Beginning Of YOSI
A registered society affiliated with the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) & and the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO), that caters exclusively to the needs of ophthalmologists in training or under 40 years of age
Our YO’s
A membership of over 2,700 has emerged as a platform for Young Ophthalmologists (YO) to voice their concerns and get guidance for a successful and balanced career.
By YO’s For YO’s
To act as a bridge between senior leaders and young ophthalmologists and positively impact the lives of young ophthalmologists
Meet Our People
Founders and Pillars of Young Ophthalmologists Society of India
YOSI Governing Council 2022
Office Bearers

Dr. Diva Kant Misra

Dr. Sonal Kalia
Immediate Past President

Dr. Karan Bhatia
Vice President

Dr. Nilesh Kumar

Dr. Aditya Sethi

Dr. Prasanna V. Ramesh
Joint Secretary
Journey Of Our Young Ophthalmologists
YOSI Presidential Working Groups
YOSI Membership Drive
Dr. Madan Gopalan V.G,
Dr. Karthikeyan,
Dr. Sahil Bhandari,
Dr. Aswini Behera,
Dr. Ankit Agrawal
YOSI Website
YOSI State Chapters
YOSI Legal
YO Times
YO Slides
YOSI Fellowship Help Desk
YOSI Journal Club
Surfing Anterior Segment
Late Night Retina
YOSI Job Portal
YOSI Travel & Conference
YOSI Social Media
Residents Network & Exam
YOSI Flashnotes
YO Tube
YOSI Record Keeping
YOSi Social Culture
YOSi Mentors & Electoral Guidance
YOSi Pearls
YOSi Academic
An all-new YOSI Website
experience and updated YO
Social Platforms
YOSI had humble beginnings and started as an online platform.
The power of social media was used to connect young ophthalmologists
for information sharing, case discussions, job opportunities,
emotional support, and other pertinent issues.